Monday, 27 January 2014

0 Understanding | Overtone | Harmonic Partials | Timbre

Overtone Definition

Any frequency which are higher than fundamental frequency of a sound, we call them, overtone. And the fundamental sound consists of many overtones. This event is called partials. We, as musicians, would probably heard of harmonic, to be even more precise, harmonic partials. The harmonic partials are the numbers of frequencies whose integer multiple frequency of the fundamental, which also including the fundamental itself (1st partial). However, partials, which are not whole number ratios of the fundamental, will be called inharmonic.

Harmonic Series of String
Harmonic Series of String

How do overtones help to distinguish musical instrument timbre?

When we play an instrument, the overtones will also be produced along with the fundamental frequency. And the frequency of a tone is same as or close to the harmonic.

Overtones help us to determine timbre, whether it’s a flute sound or a violin sound. The relative intensity of overtones will be distinguished by different rate and volume, as causing these overtones to rise or fall. For instance, the timbre of note could be perceived differently when played staccato or legato.

Harmonic series as musical notation

Harmonic Series as Musical Notation

Understanding of overtone will help you to understand the behavior of musical instruments and also with better music performance skill. 


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