Saturday, 4 January 2014

0 3D Mid-Air Acoustic Manipulation

Acoustic Levitation

Sound is all around you everyday whether or not, you probably don’t think about it. You hear sound. You don’t touch them. Even then, you don’t think of what you feel as sound itself, but as the vibration of sound creates in other object.

Three-Dimensional Acoustic Manipulation

As we all know, sound travel in the fluid – usually gas, liquid is also fluid. Acoustic levitation takes advantage of the sound properties to cause object, solids, liquids and heavy gas to float. The process can take place in reduce gravity or normal gravity, in the other word, on Earth.

Three-Dimensional Mid-Air Acoustic Manipulation

A step further, Japanese engineers from University of Tokyo and Nagoya Institute of Technology had invented this phenomena event using sound waves to lift objects through three dimensional in space.

Well you probably think, the sound must be extremely loud. With the technology, the devices were ultrasonic speakers. It’s completely silent, and they produced intense sound waves through air molecules that balance the force of gravity cause the objects to float in the air.


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